Anna Wójcik is a visiting fellow with the Engaging Central Europe program of The German Marshall Fund of the United States. She is an expert on democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, with a particular focus on Poland. She holds a PhD in law from the Polish Academy of Sciences and gained extensive experience in international research consortia. Her thesis analyzed the limitations to freedom of expression in the name of historical policy from the perspective of international human rights law. She is assistant professor at the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (currently on leave). She was a Re:Constitution research fellow at the Democracy Institute of Central European University and a ReThink.CEE Fellow at The German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Anna is a co-founder of the rule-of-law monitoring projects The Wiktor Osiatyński Archive and Rule of Law in Poland. Prior to that she was assistant editor at Visegrád Insight. She also covers the rule-of-law backsliding in Poland for, a public-interest journalism portal, comments on this issue for international media outlets, and provides expertise to think tanks and nongovernmental organizations.