Brussels Forum 2014—A World in Transition


Friday, March 21

15:00 – 15:10 

Prologue: A World in Transition (on the record, open to press)

  • Craig Kennedy, President, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Philip Stephens, Associate Editor, Financial Times                                 

15:10 – 15:30 

Official Welcome

15:30 – 17:00 

Introductory Remarks: (on the record, open to press)

  • Didier Reynders, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Belgium


Europe in Transition (on the record, open to press)

  • Toomas Ilves, President, Republic of Estonia
  • Federica Mogherini, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italy
  • Robert Zoellick, Chairman, International Advisors, Goldman Sachs
  • Moderator: Peter Spiegel, Brussels Bureau Chief, Financial Times


Introductory Remarks: (on the record, open to press)

  • Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Secretary General, NATO

NATO in Transition (on the record, open to press) 

  • Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Secretary General, NATO
  • Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Professor, Leiden University
  • Lord George Robertson, Senior Counselor, The Cohen Group
  • Moderator: Constanze Stelzenmuller, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, GMF


A Conversation with (on the record, open to press)

  • Herman Van Rompuy, President, European Council
  • Moderator: Steven Erlanger, Bureau Chief London, New York Times        

19:30 - 20:00 

A Conversation with (on the record, open to press)

  • Andrii Deshchytsia, Acting Foreign Minister, Ukraine
  • Moderator: David Ignatius, Columnist and Associate Editor, The Washington Post   


Press Conference (on the record, open to press)

  • Participants: Andrii Deshchytsia, Acting Foreign Minister, Ukraine;
  • Vitalii Klychko, Chairman, Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reforms;
  • Linas Linkevicius, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lithuania;
  • Davit Usupashvili, Chairman, Parliament of Georgia; 
  • Kurt Volker, Executive Director, McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University                                               

20:15 – 21:45 

Opening Dinner (off the record, closed to press)

Toast: Eckart von Klaeden, Head of External Affairs, Daimler AG


Night- Owl Sessions


  • Andrei Sannikov, Coordinator, European Belarus (on the record, open to press)
  • Film Screening: Dangerous Acts Starring the Unstable Elements of Belarus
  • Q&A with Andrei Sannikov, Coordinator, European Belarus and Madeleine Sackler, Great Curve Films
  • Moderator: Pavol Demes, Transatlantic Fellow, GMF

Is Europe Losing its East? (on the record, open to press)

  • Vitaliy Klychko, Chairman, Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reforms
  • Linas Linkevicius, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lithuania
  • David Usupashvili, Chairman, Parliament of Georgia
  • Kurt Volker, Executive Director, McCain Institute for International Leadership
  • Moderator: Tod Lindberg, Research Fellow, Stanford University

Will the World’s Emerging Economies ever Emerge? (off the record, closed to press)

  • Ferdinando Becalli-Falco, President and Chief Executive Officer for Europe and North America, General Electric
  • Marta DassùFormer Deputy Foreign Minister, Italy
  • Eltie Links, Chair, Doing Business in Africa, USB
  • Pedro da Motta da Veiga, Director, CINDE
  • Moderator: Bruce Stokes, Director, Pew Global Economic Attitudes, Pew Research Center

Saturday, March 22

8:00- 8:45 

Brussels Forum Breakfasts

Beijing’s March West- Pakistan, Afghanistan, and China’s Rise (off the record, closed to press)

  • Maleeha Lodhi, Special Advisor for International Affairs, Jang/Geo
  • Andrew Small, Transatlantic Fellow, GMF
  • Moderator: David Ignatius, Columnist and associate Editor, Washington Post       

Can Europe Grow again? (off the record, closed to press)

  • Caroline Atkinson, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics, U.S. National Security Council
  • Daniela Schwarzer, Director, Europe Program, GMF
  • Moderator: James Kanter, Correspondent, International New York Times
  • Changing Leaders in a Changing World: The Rise of Female Leadership and its Impact on Global Strategy
  • Arba Kokalari, Member, Stockholm City Local Government
  • Julianne Smith, Senior Fellow and Director of the Strategy and Statecraft Program, Center for a New American Security
  • Moderator: Rosalind Hudnell, Vice President, Human Resources, Intel Corporation

9:00- 10:15 

The Fate of Syria Three Years On (on the record, open to press)

  • Alia Mansour, Member, Syrian National Coalition
  • Kristalina Georgieva, Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid & Crisis Response, European Commission
  • Soli Özel, Lecturer of International Relations, Kadir Has University
  • Anne-Marie Slaughter, President, New America Foundation
  • Xenia Dormandy, Senior Fellow, Chatham House



  • Robert Menendez, Senator, United States

11:00 –12:30 

Introduction (on the record, open to press)

  • Joe Echevarria, CEO, Deloitte US                                                       

Getting the Workforce Working (on the record, open to press)

  • Caroline Atkinson, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics, U.S. National Security Council
  • Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO, Gallup
  • Carlos Moedas, State Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office, Portugal
  • Wilfried Porth, Member of the Board of Management, Daimler AG
  • Moderator: Bruce Stokes, Director, Pew Global Economic Attitudes, Pew Research Center

12:30 – 13:45 

Networking Lunch (off the record, open to press)

13:45 – 15:15     

Brussels Forum Primer: Energy Trends and Transitions in Europe (on the record, open to press)

  • Iain Conn, Group Managing Director and Chief Executive, Refining and Marketing, BP

Global Energy Transitions and Economic Competitiveness (on the record, open to press)

  • Jean Pierre Clamadieu, CEO, Solvay SA
  • Seiji Kihara, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, Japan
  • Carlos Pascual, Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs, U.S. State Department
  • Norbert Röttgen, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, German Bundestag
  • Moderator: David Ignatius, Columnist and associate Editor, Washington Post

15:45- 16:15 

A Conversation with  (on the record, open to press)

  • Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, European External Action Service and Vice President, European Commission
  • Moderator: Ivan Vejvoda, Senior Vice President for Programs, GMF   

16:15– 17:30 

Uprisings, Realignment, and Confusion in the Middle East and North Africa (on the record, open to press)

  • Khalid bin Mohammed Al-Attiyah, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Qatar
  • Rached Ghannouchi, Leader, Ennahda Party, Tunisia
  • Wendy Sherman, Undersecretary for Political Affairs, U.S. Department of State Senior European Representative
  • Moderator: Sylke Tempel, Editor-in-Chief, Internationale Politik 


Conversation with Karel De Gucht and Michael Froman (on the record, open to press)

  • Karel De Gucht, Commissioner for Trade, European Commission
  • Michael Froman, United States Trade Representative 
  • Moderator: Nina dos Santos, Anchor, World Business Today, CNN

The Future of Trade

  • Pedro da Motta de Veiga, Director, CINDES
  • Heinz Haller, Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Dow Chemical Company
  • Dave Ricks, Senior Vice President and President, Lilly Bio-Medicines
  • Moderator: Nina dos Santos, Anchor, World Business Today, CNN

19:30 – 21:45   

Break-Out Dinners (off the record, closed to press)


Night-Owl Sessions

Transatlantic Trust- is it Damaged? Can it be Restored? (off the record, closed to press)

  • Toomas Ilves, President, Republic of Estonia
  • Julianne Smith, Senior Fellow and Director, Strategy and Statecraft Program, Center for a New American Security Senior European Representative
  • Moderator: Anton La Guardia, European Union Correspondent, The Economist 

The Return of History: Is Europe’s Past Asia’s Future? (off the record, closed to press)

  • Chaibong HahmPresident, ASAN Institute for Policy Studies
  • Masafumi Ishii, Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
  • Mark Leonard, Co-founder and Director,  European Council on Foreign Relations
  • James Steinberg, Dean, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
  • Moderator: Philip Stephens, Associate Editor, Financial Times

Global Nuclear Security: Realities and Responsibilities (off the record, closed to press)

  • Pervez Hoodbhoy, Professor, QAU and Forman Christian College University, Pakistan 
  • Dan Meridor, Former Deputy Prime Minister, Israel
  • Michael Turner, Member, U.S. House of Representatives
  • Moderator: Mark Jacobson, Senior Transatlantic Fellow GMF

Sunday, March 23      

9:00 – 10:15 

Europe’s Stake in U.S. Strategy (on the record, open to press)

  • Philip Breedlove, SACEUR, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
  • Pieter De Crem, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Belgium
  • Milo Djukanovic, Prime Minister, Montenegro
  • Michael Turner, Member, U.S. House of Representatives
  • Moderator: Anton La Guardia, European Union Correspondent, The Economist 

10:45 – 12:00 

Soft Power Strikes Out, Hard Power Strikes Back

  • John Allen, Former ISAF commander
  • Gitte Lilleund Bech, Former Danish Defense Minister
  • Masafumi Ishii, Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
  • Alexandros Rondos, Special Representative to the Horn of Africa, European Council
  • Nik Gowing, Main Presenter, BBC World TV       

12:30 – 13:45 

A World Transitioning (on the record, open to press)

  • Carl Bildt, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sweden
  • Marc Grossman, Vice Chairman, The Cohen Group
  • Mostafa Terrab, Chairman and CEO, OCP Group, President, OCP Foundation
  • Moderator: Craig Kennedy, President, GMF

13:45 – 14:00 

Closing Remarks (on the record, open to press)