The Transatlantic Leadership Initiatives team at GMF is pleased to alert the network of alumni of GMF leadership programs that Ivan Vejvoda, until mid-January GMF’s Senior Vice President of Programs, has moved to Vienna to join the Institute for Human Sciences (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen).  As a Permanent Fellow at the Institute Vejvoda will lead the organization’s Europe portfolio.

Vejvoda met and worked with scores of GMF Fellows during his thirteen and a half years with GMF.  Vejvoda joined GMF in 2003 as Director of the Balkan Trust for Democracy, and in the role directed GMF’s office in Belgrade.  From there Vejvoda joined GMF in Washington, DC to oversee GMF programming across its seven offices. 

Vejvoda met with every cohort of American Marshall Memorial Fellows who visited Belgrade during his tenure, as well as both the American and European fellows of MMF, TILN (Transatlantic Inclusion Leaders Network) and other programs in Washington.  Vejvoda frequently addressed these groups, offering his candid insights on democracy-building and his experience serving in leadership positions before, during and after the Balkan conflict of the nineties.  Vejvoda led GMF’s first Transatlantic Leadership Seminar (TLS) to the Balkans in 2013, offering the high level delegation of European and American leaders who traveled there his analysis of and leadership insights into the transition from communism, through war, and into democracy the region experienced.

“GMF leadership programs, such as the flagship Marshall Memorial Fellowship, are central to maintaining the strong bond between the United States and Europe—and individual leaders like Ivan who have worked to protect our shared values personify this connection,” reflects TLI Director Kevin Cottrell.    “As an MMF alumnus myself, Ivan’s insights helped me understand the ongoing importance of promoting free and open societies.  Under Ivan’s leadership we expanded programs for alumni to return to GMF to continue to network and glean leadership insights applicable to their own portfolios. Ivan made the first TLS trip come alive for the group, and his guidance on further Seminars has proven invaluable.”

Vejvoda will join GMF at the upcoming inaugural Triennial Transatlantic Leadership Retreat.  To read more about the Retreat and to join, click here.