The Future of NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue

June 27, 2018

This report is the product of a GMF study launched in 2017 analyzing the status and prospects of NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) Partnership — the partnership program for seven countries in North Africa and the Middle East.

Since the launch of the MD Partnership in 1994, transatlantic and Mediterranean security have become increasingly linked as security priorities on both sides of the Mediterranean and across the Atlantic have converged. The need to foster a shared security community in political and practical terms is more evident than ever before.

The report offers a number of concrete recommendations for the future development of the MD Partnership based on perspectives from officials and experts from the Dialogue countries, and stakeholders inside and outside NATO.

Looking beyond the upcoming 2018 NATO Summit, its conclusions and recommendations are particularly relevant as the Alliance will need to articulate a more explicit strategy toward the South with Mediterranean partnerships at the core.

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