The Transatlantic Cities Network (TCN), an ongoing project launched in September 2008, focuses on the sustained exchange of information about innovative policies, best practices, and local policy challenges among a network of policymakers, practitioners, and civic leaders who are well-positioned to put new ideas into practice in their home cities. The distinguishing characteristic of the TCN is its focus on developing a tightly connected group of dynamic leaders from each of the participating cities.

The TCN currently includes representatives from 23 cities in the United States and Europe. For each city in the TCN, one representative serves as the key point of contact and organizing force for programming. TCN representatives have demonstrated significant leadership in their own careers, and have strong personal and professional networks with the capacity to connect innovative ideas and solutions with the individuals who can implement them. Representatives tend to be mid-career professionals employed in academia, business, local foundations, or city government. They include planners and architects, corporate leaders, elected officials, policy advisers, and leaders in community foundations and organizations.

The work of the TCN is generously supported by the Bank of America Foundation and the Compagnia di San Paolo.

Current cities and representatives of the TCN include:

U.S. cities

European cities

Atlanta, GA

Frank Fernandez, Vice President of Community Development, The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation

Belgrade, Serbia

Aleksandar BobicLandscape Architect and Coordinator of Institutional Cooperation, Public Art Public Space

Boston , MA

Michael Lake, Executive Director, World Class Cities Partnership, Northeastern University

Birmingham, UK

David Carter, Head of Planning Strategy, Birmingham City Council (former)

Charlotte, NC

Brian Collier, Executive Vice President, Foundation for the Carolinas

Bilbao, Spain

Mrs. Teresa González, Corporate Director, Innobasque--Basque Innovation Agency

Cleveland, OH

Randy McShepard, Vice President for Community Affair, RPM International, Inc.

Brussels, Belgium

Johan Basiliades, Political Secretary, Liberal Democratic Party, Brussels Regional Parliament

Denver, CO   

Kelly Brough, President and CEO Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce

Copenhagen, Denmark

Anne Sofie Fogtmann, Senior Advisor, Akademikerne

Oakland, CA

Doug Johnson, Senior Planner, Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Essen, Germany

Michael TheisenRepresentative for International Relations, City of Essen

Philadelphia, PA

Shawn McCaney, Senior Program Officer, Creative Communities, William Penn Foundation

Genoa, Italy

Federica Alcozer, Architect and Urban Planner, Studio Gap

Pittsburgh, PA

Tracy Certo, Publisher & Editor, Popcity

Leipzig, Germany

Karsten Gerkens,  Head, Office for Regeneration and Residential Development,  City of Leipzig

Portland, OR

Michael Wetter, Executive Director, the Intertwine Alliance

Lyon, France

Hubert Julien-Laferriere, Vice Mayor, International Cooperation, Ville de Lyon

Providence, RI

Margaret Garry, Executive Director, Southside Community Land Trust

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Nico Tillie, Landscape Architect/European Union Liaison, City of Rotterdam/Vice President, the World Council on City Data

San Antonio, TX

Leilah Powell, Chief of Policy, City of San Antonio

Torino, Italy

Elisa Rosso, Head of Economic Development and EU Structural Funds,  City of Torino (former)

Washington, D.C.

Howard Ways, Executive Director, Prince George's County Redevelopment Authority