Dialogue on Tech and Migration: Connecting the Dots and People

6:00pm - 5:59pm EDT
12:00am - 11:59pm CEST
1:00am - 12:59am EEST
About this event
Become part of an international and interactive expert learning group and learning journey on migration policy in the digital age.
Digitalization and technological development will fundamentally change the international migration system. Artificial intelligence, blockchain and digital identities are already being tested, used, and further developed in various areas—for instance, to better anticipate migration movements, in humanitarian settings, or to better manage migration and mobility in visa processes or while crossing borders in digitally networked systems.
At the Dialogue on Tech and Migration (DoT.Mig), we want to connect the dots between digital technologies and their use and impact on migration policy. We want to connect stakeholders that are already working in the area of tech and migration and those interested in learning more. Together, we want to contribute to a policy world in which digitalization and new technologies can be beneficial in the best possible way for fair migration and mobility, while recognizing and minimizing the downsides or risks to individuals and societies. We hope to explore what technologies are built, how, and for whom, and who is included in building and evaluating their use in migration policymaking.
The Dialogue on Tech and Migration is based on the premises that:
Technology is never neutral nor destiny, but that it can be beneficial if developed in an inclusive manner;
Digital technologies can empower migrants and refugees but also infringe their rights and mobility;
Some but not all challenges in the migration world can be tackled by new technologies and digitalization.
Become part of an international and interactive expert learning group of public administration, civil society and the private sector and engage in interactive, honest and thought-provoking exchanges.
The Dialogue on Tech and Migration is a forum by the Migration Strategy Group on International Cooperation and Development (MSG). Founding partners of the MSG are The German Marshall Fund of the United States, the Robert Bosch Stiftung, and the Bertelsmann Stiftung. 2022 is the inaugural year of the DoT.Mig Conference.