About this event

The “Toward a New Storyline” (TNS) project aimed to explore the past, discuss the present, and re-envision the future of the transatlantic relationship with a group of 15 students with interdisciplinary backgrounds. In the last phase of the eight-month project, the group was divided into four sub-groups and each was tasked with developing a vision for how the transatlantic relationship could and should develop by the year 2050. This publication compiles their ideas and illustrates how similarly the younger generation views today’s challenges and tomorrow’s solutions. In the near to mid-term, all groups foresaw a period of recurrent global crises that would act as a driver of reform and positive change. To weather these crises, the groups stressed the importance of institutional reform as well as adherence to common values, especially the values of democracy, equality, inclusion, and accountability. They saw a local component to solving global challenges: states must improve democracy and governance at home at the same time as they cooperate globally. Significantly, many groups also highlighted the impact that individuals can have on policy and politics, whether they are heads of state or leaders of social movements. Lastly, there was widespread recognition that while the United States and Germany must continue to play a leading role in the world, they cannot solve the world’s problems alone. They must not only act as role models, but also support and collaborate with other countries around the globe, especially in the global south.