Out of Order Podcast

Watching China In Europe With German FDP Lawmaker Gyde Jensen

October 13, 2021
Noah Barkin
Gyde Jensen
1 min read

Watching China in Europe" is a recurring series from the Out of Order team. Hosted by Noah Barkin, a senior visiting fellow at GMF and managing editor at Rhodium Group, WCIE digs into the Europe-China relationship with the people shaping it. 

In this episode, Noah speaks with Gyde Jensen, a member of the German parliament for the Free Democrats (FDP), who are expected to be part of the next German government. Ms. Jensen talks about the hardening of the FDP’s position on China in recent years, the need for a new German and European approach to Taiwan, and her expectation that the FDP and Greens would work closely together to reshape German policy towards China in the post-Merkel era.

New episodes of the "Watching China in Europe" series will be posted to the Out of Order feed every few weeks. For more on China in Europe, subscribe to Noah's monthly newsletter via the email icon to the right.