Arun K. Singh
Visiting Distinguished FellowAmbassador Arun Singh has been affiliated with The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) since completing his assignment as ambassador of India to the U.S. in 2016. Earlier he had served as ambassador to France from 2013-15, and to Israel from 2005-08.
In spring 2017, Ambassador Singh was diplomat in residence at the School of International Service of American University, teaching a course on U.S. foreign policy in South Asia. He was also visiting faculty at the School of Advanced International studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University, teaching a course on current global trends and challenges. During this period he was invited as distinguished visiting fellow by Emory University, and Centre for Advanced Study of India (CASI) at University of Pennsylvania. Aside from intense interactions with students and faculty, he spoke at public platforms on U.S.-India relations, Indian economic and technological trends, U.S. foreign policy in South Asia, and diplomacy and statecraft.
His other diplomatic assignments have included tours of duty in Soviet Union and later in Russia, Japan, Ethiopia, and in the Indian mission to the UN in New York.
In the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi, he was involved for nearly a decade in the formulation and implementation of India’s policies related to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran, including in the period following 9/11.
Ambassador Singh speaks Russian and has some knowledge of French, Japanese, and Hebrew.
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