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Authoritarian Interference Foreign Policy War in Ukraine

“For Orban, the visit may also serve to portray him as a more constructive actor and build his image as an advocate for peace,” Végh said. But, she added, “Orbán’s position or request toward Zelensky — calling for a cease-fire before peace negotiations — continues to reflect a disregard for Kyiv’s views.””

Foreign Policy War in Ukraine

"Orban can use the presidency to set the agenda, but he cannot achieve results without the commission's support, Daniel Hegedus, a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund told AFP.”

Authoritarian Interference Democratic Decline Elections

Daniel Hegedus, a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund, said Lanczi's quick framing of an ascendant Magyar and the rest of the opposition as "traitors and enemies of the Hungarian nation" could limit support among potentially disaffected Fidesz voters who respond to patriotic appeals. "Obviously, considering the media dominance of Fidesz, it resonates," Hegedus said.”

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